Our university is regionally anchored and internationally oriented. Whether it is about improving foreign language skills, acquiring intercultural competencies, discovering other countries or enriching one's CV with valuable experiences: with partner universities worldwide, our students have the free choice for their stay abroad. The "Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions" certificate we have obtained from the German Rectors' Conference underlines our international orientation. Since 2020, htw saar has been an associated partner in the University of the Greater Region.
We offer our students a variety of opportunities to take on social responsibility. Within the framework of projects, they develop solutions for concrete issues of non-profit organisations, for example, and thereby practically apply the knowledge they have learned during their studies. Students can also get involved in various mentoring programmes such as the first-semester mentoring. Social commitment pays off and can be an additional bonus when entering professional life.
Strong in Start-ups
Spin-offs have a long tradition at our university. Some of them have developed into large and renowned companies. There are already many offers that introduce students to the topic of founding or self-employment during their studies. The joint start-up centre of htw saar and Fitt provides optimal support for start-up activities.