The PSG College of Technology is situated at about 8 km from Coimbatore Railway Station and 5 km from Airport. The campus is spread over 45 acres of land, economically utilized for the College, Hostels, Staff Quarters, Play Fields and Gardens.
PSG offers BE in Automobile Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering as well as BS in Computer Science as IGCHE programmes. The PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, which takes care of the international programms at PSG College of Technology, enrolls the students. So here are three easy steps:
- Visit PSG IAS Undergraduate Programmes
- Read the details and make up your mind on which programme to choose
- Apply online on the same web page
PSG College of Technology, under the guidance of illustrious Managing Trustees Sri G R Govindarajulu, Dr G R Damodaran, Sri G Varadaraj, Sri G R Karthikeyan, Sri V. Rajan, Sri G.Rangaswamy and presently under Sri L Gopalakrishnan, all with foresight and far reaching vision, has been in the forefront of innovation in technical education. The founder Principal Dr G R Damodaran was instrumental in the planned growth of the institution from the humble beginnings in 1951 to the present status of a world-renowned technological institution. Dr G R Damodaran was succeeded by Dr R Subbayyan, Dr K Venkataraman, Dr A Shanmugasundaram, Dr S Subramanyan, Dr P Radhakrishnan and Dr S Vijayarangan as Principal's. Presently Dr K Prakasan is Principal.
The College today has a student strength of about 8518 with 15 engineering and technology departments besides the computer applications, management sciences, basic sciences and humanities departments. Among the various Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate programmes offered by the college, as many as 18 programmes were accredited in the year 1997 itself by the National Board of Accreditation of AICTE. The departments are greatly benefited by the expertise of more than 15 visiting faculty from renowned institutions and industries. Each department conducts annually at least one National / International Conference / Seminar / Workshop for effective dissemination of state-of-art technologies and research findings for the benefit of teaching faculty and industries. On an average every year, five short term programmes on current topics of interest are conducted for the teaching faculty from other colleges with funding from AICTE / ISTE and other agencies.
More than 505 research scholars are pursuing research programmes leading to Ph D / MS / M Tech degrees and the college is a recognized QIP centre for Postgraduate and Ph D programmes.
The college is extremely proud of its alumni, a considerable number of them being entrepreneurs or senior executives in industries both within India and abroad. Some of them are holding prestigious positions like Chief Executive and Managing Director and also as Chairmen of various disciplines in universities abroad. A good number of our alumni occupied the position of Vice Chancellor in various reputed universities in India . A few educational institutions have also been established by our alumni.
Several advanced centres are set up with financial support from the Ministry of Human Resources Development, DST and other agencies. These include: the CAD/CAM/CIM Centre, Virtual Reality Centre, Virtual Instrumentation Centre, Educational Technology Centre, Centre for Non-Formal and Continuing Education, PROJECT IMPACT Centre (a project funded by the World Bank, Swiss Development Corporation and the Government of India), UNDP Jute Project Centre, TIFAC - CORE, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Centre, Festo-PSG Centre for Pneumatic and Control Engineering, Metals Testing and Research Centre, Industry Institute Partnership Cell and CII - TDB TNET Centre.
The programmes of the college are recognized all over India and abroad. The college maintains close interaction with several R&D Institutions and institutions of higher learning in India and abroad, through institutional network programmes and collaborative research programmes. It also has close collaborative links with industries in the fields of Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Textile, Machine Tools, Software Development and Consumer durables.
The college has been the recipient of several prestigious projects and International funding support. The college was conferred the AUTONOMOUS STATUS by the University of Madras in the academic year 1978-79, which is continued by the Bharathiar University and subsequently by Anna University. This enables the college to frame its own curricula, update syllabi and introduce new courses as and when needed. The college is empowered to administer its own evaluation system.